เฎคเฎฎிเฎด்เฎช்เฎชேเฎฐாเฎฏ เฎตிเฎฐுเฎคுเฎเฎณ் - 2018
Tamilperayam(Thamizh Academy) of
SRM Institute of Science and Technology, present many awards for the best contribution to Tamil language,
Literature & culture from 2012 on wards.
For Best Books
1. Pudhumaippithan Creative Literature
Award (Short Story, Novel, Drama) -
2. Bharadhiaar Poetry Award (Poetry)
- 1,50,000/-
3. Azha.Valliappa Children
Literature Award (Story, Poetry, Drama)
- 1,50,000/-
4. G.U.Pope Translation Award (Translation from Tamil) - 1,50,000/-
5. Pe.Na.Appusamy Scientific Tamil Award
/ A.P.J. Abdul kalam Technology Award
(Science / Technology in Tamil)
- 1,50,000/-
6. Aanandha kumarasamy Fine Arts Award
/ Muthuthaandavar Tamil Music Award
(Book on Sculpture / Pictograph
(Painting), Tamil Music ) - 1,50,000/-
7. Parithimar Kalaignar Tamil Scholar Award (Research Book on Tamil )
- 1,50,000/-
Best Tamil Journal
8. Sudhesamithiran Thamizh Journal
Award (Tamil Arts, Literature and Cultural Journal) -
Best Tamil Association
9. Tholkaappiar Tamil Association
Award - 1,00,000/-
Best Troupe
10. Arunachala kavirayar Award (Tamil music/ Folklore Troupe) - 1,00,000/-
Best Tamil Scholar
11. Paarivendhar Painthamizh Award (Life-Time Achievement
Award) - 3,00,000/-
Award Rules
Books Published during the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 as
first publication are eligible for the awards 1 to 7. Books published in 2017,
2018 are not eligible for nominations.
For the awards from Sl. No1 to Sl. No 7, five copies of the
book should be enclosed with the nomination and the name of the award for which
the nomination is sent, should be clearly mentioned in the application.
For the Award No.4, the book recommended should be a
translated work of a Tamil book onTamil Arts, Literature, culture, Special
features, etc., 5 Copies of the translated book and 5 copies of the original Tamil Book should be
sent along with the nomination.
For the Award No.6, if the book selected on Sculpture,
Painting, other fine arts, Aanandha Kumarasamy Fine Arts Award will be awarded.
If the book selected on Tamil Music, Muthuthaandavar Tamil Music Award will be
For the Award No.7, the research book should be on Tamilogy.
Award No.8 is for best weekly / monthly / quarterly journal
which contributes valuable services to
Tamil Language, Literature, Culture, etc., The magazine recommended should be
one which is issued regularly for a minimum period of past 5 years continuously.
Three sets of last 5 years' copies of
the periodical should be submitted along with the nomination.
Award No.9 is for best Tamil Association in Tamil nadu /
other states of India / other countries which is rendering best services for a
minimum period of past five years continuously to Tamil Arts, Literature,
Culture, etc., Five copies of relevant documents to that effect, along with
full particulars of the Association should be sent.
Award No. 10 is for the best troupe of Tamil Music /
Folklore Arts
Nominations for the Award
No.11, should contain full particulars which will include the Tamil
services rendered, acquired degrees, awards, merits, etc., and the list of
books written by the Tamil scholar. These nominations may be sent by self or
recommended by others.
Tamil Scholars from any Country are eligible to Apply for
all the Awards.
For the first 7 awards, the amount will be shared as Rs.
1,25,000/- to the author of the book and Rs. 25,000/- to the publisher of the
Books submitted with nominations for the awards will not be
All Nominations should be sent to the following address :
Secretary, Tamil
Perayam,5th Floor, #518, Administrative Block, SRM University,
Kattankulathur - 603 203. Kanchipuram
Dist. Tamil nadu. URL :
Phone : 044 - 27417375 / 76 / 79
The Last Date for the receipt of the
nominations is 31.05.2018
เฎเฎจ்เฎคிเฎฏாเฎตிเฎฉ் เฎคเฎฒைเฎிเฎฑเฎจ்เฎค เฎชเฎฒ்เฎเฎฒைเฎ்เฎเฎดเฎเฎ்เฎเฎณுเฎณ் เฎเฎฉ்เฎฑாเฎฉ เฎคிเฎฐு. เฎเฎฐாเฎฎเฎாเฎฎி
เฎจிเฎฉைเฎตுเฎช் เฎชเฎฒ்เฎเฎฒைเฎ்เฎเฎดเฎเฎฎ் เฎชொเฎฑிเฎฏிเฎฏเฎฒ், เฎฎேเฎฒாเฎฃ்เฎฎை, เฎฎเฎฐுเฎค்เฎคுเฎตเฎฎ், เฎเฎฒைเฎฏிเฎฏเฎฒ்,
เฎฎாเฎฉுเฎเฎตிเฎฏเฎฒ் เฎชோเฎฉ்เฎฑ เฎชเฎฒ்เฎตேเฎฑு เฎคுเฎฑைเฎเฎณிเฎฒ் เฎเฎฒ்เฎตிเฎฏை เฎตเฎดเฎ்เฎிเฎ் เฎிเฎฑเฎช்เฎชாเฎฉ
เฎเฎฒ்เฎตிเฎ்เฎேเฎตைเฎฏிเฎฒ் เฎเฎுเฎชเฎ்เฎுเฎตเฎฐுเฎிเฎฑเฎคு. เฎตெเฎณ்เฎณிเฎตிเฎดா เฎเฎฃ்เฎ เฎเฎช் เฎชเฎฒ்เฎเฎฒைเฎ்เฎเฎดเฎเฎฎ்
เฎฑிเฎตிเฎฏเฎฒ், เฎคொเฎดிเฎฒ்เฎจுเฎ்เฎชเฎค்เฎคிเฎฒ் เฎிเฎฑเฎจ்เฎคு เฎตிเฎณเฎ்เฎுเฎிเฎฑ เฎจிเฎฒைเฎฏிเฎฒ் เฎคเฎฎிเฎด்เฎฎொเฎดிเฎฏிเฎฉ்
เฎคொเฎฉ்เฎฎை, เฎตเฎฐเฎฒாเฎฑு, เฎชเฎฃ்เฎชாเฎு เฎเฎிเฎฏเฎตเฎฑ்เฎฑை เฎเฎฃเฎฐเฎตுเฎฎ் เฎเฎฃเฎฐ்เฎค்เฎคเฎตுเฎฎ் เฎคเฎฎிเฎด்เฎช்เฎชேเฎฐாเฎฏเฎฎ்
เฎเฎฉ்เฎฉுเฎฎ் เฎ
เฎฎைเฎช்เฎชை เฎเฎฐுเฎตாเฎ்เฎிเฎฏுเฎณ்เฎณเฎคு.
เฎคเฎฎிเฎด்เฎช்เฎชேเฎฐாเฎฏเฎฎ் เฎคเฎฎிเฎด்เฎฎொเฎดி เฎตเฎณเฎฐ்เฎ்เฎிเฎ்เฎெเฎฉ เฎจிเฎฑுเฎตเฎช்เฎชเฎ்เฎ เฎเฎฐு เฎชเฎฃிเฎช்เฎชுเฎฒเฎฎ்
เฎเฎுเฎฎ். เฎคเฎฉเฎ்เฎெเฎฉเฎค் เฎคเฎฉி เฎ
เฎைเฎฏாเฎณ เฎฎுเฎค்เฎคிเฎฐை เฎொเฎฃ்เฎเฎคாเฎฏ், เฎคเฎฉ்เฎฉாเฎ்เฎி เฎொเฎฃ்เฎเฎคாเฎฏ்
เฎเฎต்เฎตเฎฎைเฎช்เฎชு เฎตிเฎณเฎ்เฎுเฎிเฎฑเฎคு.
เฎฎைเฎฏ เฎாเฎிเฎค்เฎคிเฎฏ เฎ
เฎாเฎคเฎฎி เฎเฎจ்เฎคிเฎฏ เฎฎொเฎดிเฎเฎณுเฎ்เฎு เฎเฎค்เฎคเฎைเฎฏ เฎชเฎฃிเฎเฎณைเฎ்
เฎெเฎฏ்เฎிเฎฑเฎคோ เฎ
เฎคே เฎชோเฎฉ்เฎฑு เฎคเฎฎிเฎด்เฎฎொเฎดிเฎ்เฎு เฎเฎ்เฎเฎช் เฎชเฎฃிเฎเฎณைเฎค் เฎคிเฎ்เฎเฎฎிเฎ்เฎுเฎ் เฎெเฎฏ்เฎตเฎคை
เฎฎுเฎคเฎฉ்เฎฎை เฎจோเฎ்เฎเฎฎாเฎเฎ் เฎொเฎฃ்เฎு, เฎคเฎฎிเฎด்เฎช்เฎชேเฎฐாเฎฏเฎฎ்
(Thamizh Academy) เฎเฎฉுเฎฎ் เฎเฎต்เฎตเฎฎைเฎช்เฎชு เฎเฎฐுเฎตாเฎ்เฎเฎช்เฎชெเฎฑ்เฎฑுเฎณ்เฎณเฎคு. เฎเฎจ்เฎคเฎค் เฎคเฎฎிเฎด்เฎช்เฎชேเฎฐாเฎฏเฎค்เฎคிเฎฉ் เฎชเฎฒ்เฎตேเฎฑு เฎชเฎฃிเฎค்เฎคிเฎ்เฎเฎ்เฎเฎณைเฎค் เฎคเฎฎிเฎด்เฎช்เฎชேเฎฐாเฎฏ เฎฎைเฎฏเฎช் เฎชเฎฃிเฎ்เฎுเฎดு
(Central Executive Cell - Tamil Perayam-CEC-TP) เฎெเฎฏเฎฒ்เฎชเฎுเฎค்เฎคுเฎிเฎฑเฎคு.
เฎคเฎฎிเฎดிเฎฉ் เฎฎเฎฐเฎชுเฎ் เฎெเฎฒ்เฎตเฎ்เฎเฎณை เฎเฎณைเฎฏ เฎคเฎฒைเฎฎுเฎฑைเฎเฎณுเฎ்เฎு เฎเฎுเฎค்เฎคுเฎ்
เฎெเฎฒ்เฎฒுเฎคเฎฒ், เฎชுเฎคிเฎฏ เฎคเฎฎிเฎด்เฎช் เฎชเฎைเฎช்เฎชுเฎเฎณைเฎช் เฎชாเฎฐாเฎ்เฎி, เฎตிเฎฐுเฎคு เฎตเฎดเฎ்เฎுเฎคเฎฒ், เฎคเฎฎிเฎด்
เฎจூเฎฒ்เฎเฎณைเฎช் เฎชிเฎฑเฎฎொเฎดிเฎเฎณிเฎฒ் เฎฎொเฎดிเฎชெเฎฏเฎฐ்เฎค்เฎคเฎฒ், เฎคเฎฎிเฎด் เฎเฎฐாเฎฏ்เฎ்เฎிเฎฏைเฎ்
เฎெเฎดுเฎฎைเฎช்เฎชเฎுเฎค்เฎคுเฎคเฎฒ், เฎ
เฎฑிเฎตிเฎฏเฎฒ் เฎคเฎฎிเฎดை เฎตเฎณเฎฐ்เฎค்เฎคเฎฒ், เฎคเฎฎிเฎด்เฎ் เฎเฎฎเฎฏเฎ்เฎเฎณ் เฎுเฎฑிเฎค்เฎค
เฎตிเฎดிเฎช்เฎชுเฎฃเฎฐ்เฎตை เฎเฎฑ்เฎชเฎுเฎค்เฎคเฎช் เฎชเฎ்เฎเฎฏเฎฎ், เฎாเฎฉ்เฎฑிเฎคเฎด் เฎชเฎிเฎช்เฎชுเฎค்เฎคுเฎฑைเฎเฎณ்
เฎเฎฑ்เฎชเฎுเฎค்เฎคเฎฒ், เฎเฎจ் เฎจோเฎ்เฎเฎ்เฎเฎณுเฎ்เฎாเฎเฎค் เฎคிเฎ்เฎเฎฎிเฎுเฎคเฎฒ், เฎจூเฎฒ்เฎเฎณை เฎตெเฎณிเฎฏிเฎுเฎคเฎฒ்,
เฎเฎฐுเฎค்เฎคเฎฐเฎ்เฎு, เฎชเฎฏிเฎฒเฎฐเฎ்เฎு, เฎเฎฏ்เฎตเฎฐเฎ்เฎுเฎเฎณ் เฎจเฎเฎค்เฎคுเฎคเฎฒ், เฎเฎฃிเฎฉிเฎค்เฎคเฎฎிเฎด்เฎช்
เฎชเฎฏிเฎฑ்เฎிเฎฏเฎณிเฎค்เฎคเฎฒ் เฎคเฎฎிเฎด் เฎฎெเฎฉ்เฎชொเฎฐுเฎณ் เฎเฎฐுเฎตாเฎ்เฎுเฎคเฎฒ் เฎชோเฎฉ்เฎฑ เฎชเฎฒ்เฎตேเฎฑு เฎชเฎฃிเฎเฎณைเฎค்
เฎคเฎฎிเฎด்เฎช்เฎชேเฎฐாเฎฏเฎฎ் เฎฎேเฎฑ்เฎொเฎณ்เฎிเฎฑเฎคு.