Ride your bicycle from today to keep the body and mind always excited and protect the environment.

In April 2018, the United Nations General Assembly declared June 3 as “World Bicycle Day”

The resolution for World Bicycle Day reads, "Recognizes the uniqueness, longevity and versatility of a bicycle that has been in use for over two centuries, and it's a simple, affordable, reliable, clean and environmentally friendly mode of transport” and it is 
observed that cycling has tremendous health benefits for all age groups.

Today, June 3rd 2022 on the eve of World Bicycle Day, SRMIST took pride to organise a bicycle rally for a cause with the theme “Save Fuel and Stay Fit”. Students and faculty members participated in large numbers and explained the benefits of using bicycles to the public through posters & slogans. In continuation of this cause, it was decided to start a SRMIST Bicycle Club.
The rally was led by Dr. V. Thirumurugan, Associate Director & Nodal Officer 

-Unnat Bharat Abhiyan-SRMIST and coordinated by Dr.P.Supraja, Associate Professor, NWC-SRMIST.

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